Tooth wear in children indicates worrying trend

The Probe reports evidence of tooth surface loss and high levels of Tooth Wear among Children, read the post here or below as published on The Probe.

“A third (33 per cent) of five year olds have evidence of tooth surface loss (TSL) on one or more of the buccal surfaces of the primary upper incisors, according to the Children’s Dental Health Survey published in March.

In addition, a quarter of 12 year olds were reported to have TSL on molars and the buccal surface of incisors, while the proportion of children with any TSL at age 15 on the occlusal surface of molars was higher than at age 12 (31 per cent compared to 25 per cent).

The authors of the report state: ‘The proportions of children affected by tooth surface loss into dentine and pulp are low and consistent over time, although any such damage is a significant burden to have at the age of 15.’

Combined with figures from the latest Adult Dental Health Survey, which suggests a small increase in moderate tooth wear in 16 to 34 year olds, all of this is of clinical relevance as it is suggestive of rapid tooth wear.

It therefore seems that the dental profession needs to work harder with young patients if we are to prevent long-term damage that will require considerable remedial treatment in the future if left unchecked.

Specialist centres such as The London Tooth Wear Centre, offer an evidence-based and comprehensive approach to managing tooth wear.”

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