According to NHS figures, over 7 million of us will make a New Year’s resolution to improve our health in some way. Tipping the scales on this is weight loss, but did you know that diet fizzy drinks and fruit juice, as well as some foods such as yoghurt, honey and quinoa that we consider to be healthy can damage your teeth?
What we’re talking about here is a type of tooth wear involving loss of the outer protective enamel, an increasingly common dental problem that may, over time, result in unattractive smile, with short, rough or sensitive teeth. If left to continue its damaging course, teeth may require extensive restorative treatment further down the line.
The good news is that there are some simple steps you can incorporate into your lifestyle without too much effort on your part. While they won’t reverse any damage already done, they can make sure things don’t get any worse. Here are a few dos and don’ts for everyone to try:
• Limit fruits, fruit juices, sparkling drinks, alcohol and any other acids in your diet
• Try to drink still water or low fat milk between meals, and limit acidic foods and drinks to meal times
• Use a straw for acidic drinks and avoid holding or swishing these liquids around the mouth
• After having acidic foods or drinks, wait an hour before brushing your teeth
• Choose a toothbrush that has a small head and is relatively soft
• Use a non-abrasive toothpaste that contains at least 1400ppm fluoride
• Neutralise any acids in the mouth by chewing sugar-free gum or rinsing with water or a fluoridated mouthwash .
If you are worried about your teeth, the London Tooth Wear Centre® offers a comprehensive approach to managing tooth wear in a friendly environment. For further information, visit, email or call 020 7486 7180.